adjective as in effective, powerful
Strongest matches
authoritative, dominant, famous, important, leading, persuasive, prominent, significant, strong
Weak matches
affecting, big-gun, big-wheel, controlling, efficacious, forcible, governing, guiding, impressive, inspiring, instrumental, major-league, meaningful, momentous, moving, name, potent, substantial, telling, touching, weighty
Example Sentences
But the BBC acknowledged that Brand was "perceived to be too influential" for staff to complain about.
Once Syria’s most influential minority, Alawites struggle to move on from their association with a hated dictator.
Caleb Karuga, a former journalist and now an influential farmer, posted on X that he would resist the jabs, saying no-one will vaccinate his livestock just "because Bill Gates said so".
"These elements are even more influential in Gen Z’s happiness than physical or financial security," the report states.
The decision not to extend an invitation to Moscow has been condemned by one of Russia's most influential Jewish leaders.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.