

View definitions for infertile


adjective as in not bearing fruit, young

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The treatment sent me into an early menopause and it was too late to freeze my eggs, so I was told it's almost certain I'm infertile.

From BBC

A hysterectomy would leave Emily infertile and prompt the menopause, which in turn could increase her risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and dementia.

From BBC

The Indian government also opposed the couple’s petition, saying that surrogacy laws in India were meant to assist infertile couples or women, not people who wanted to have a grandchild.

From BBC

But while older women may be infertile, Vance assures us that he doesn't think they need to die quite yet, because they have some value: Raising his kids so that he doesn't have to.

From Salon

The slow-growing trees in the northern Amazon -- with their tall canopies, deep roots and relatively infertile soil -- have adapted to harsh conditions, Chen said, making them hardy in the face of drought.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


