adjective as in creative, inventive
Example Sentences
It is the gallery's first show devoted to Vincent Van Gogh, and is focuses on the artist's imaginative transformations.
The pair also teamed up on the 2021 television anthology series Cinema Toast, which took public domain film and television footage and transformed it into new stories through imaginative editing and voiceovers.
To make matters very slightly worse, some of the more deluded or imaginative of those left-wing thinkers have occasionally pretzeled themselves into optimism about Donald Trump’s foreign policy, basically on the stopped-clock theory.
His sharp, unique dishes, deft culinary skills, imaginative dishes and on-camera charisma made him a formidable competitor and after appearing in every episode of that season.
We felt that we could respect the experience of violence that real people lived by acknowledging it through engaging every viewer’s own imaginative capacity.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.