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noun as in ax

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But I’m a lot more skeptical than Barger about any promise of resources from the White House, just as Trump appears intent on taking a hatchet to federal spending.

His loyal hatchet woman, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, promptly announced legislation to do just that so that the government could get to work changing all the maps.

From Salon

Once inside he was struck twice on the back of the head with what he later told police was a hatchet or a machete.

From BBC

There was hope after he dropped out that Trump might appoint someone more respectable to this important post and one who would be less likely to become his hatchet man.

From Salon

Trump also claimed the film was "fake" and a "hatchet job" released right before the 5 November vote "to try and hurt" his campaign.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


