green light
Example Sentences
Coach Damaine Powell has so much confidence in Watson that he’s given him the green light to pretty much shoot from anywhere — as long as he knows he can make it.
The war has become increasingly internationalised, with North Korean troops arriving in Europe to fight on Russia's side and the West giving the green light for Ukraine to fire its long-range missiles into Russia.
The first was red light, green light, in which people were killed for failing to stay still.
Whether or not a drug is given the green light depends on how big a difference it makes - the more effective and transformative the drug, the more the NHS is willing to pay.
It was the first photoshoot after the King was given the green light that he was well enough to return to public duties, after beginning his cancer treatment.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.