noun as in management, administration
Strong matches
bureaucracy, command, control, direction, domination, dominion, empire, execution, executive, governance, guidance, influence, jurisdiction, patronage, polity, predominance, presidency, regency, regimentation, regulation, restraint, sovereignty, statecraft, superintendence, superiority, supervision, supremacy, sway, Washington
Weak matches
Example Sentences
In 2019, a year after medicinal cannabis was legalised, the government's Health and Social Care select committee investigated the issue of access to the drugs.
Lawmakers voted to ban the app last year over concerns about its links to the Chinese government.
The company has always argued that the US government based its decision on the "geopolitical climate and theoretical concerns" rather than independently verifying risk.
On Saturday evening, thousands of protesters gathered in Tel Aviv to demand the government ensures the release of further hostages by abiding by the first phase of the ceasefire.
A spokesman added the government had "received assurances from all Welsh police forces that there are no current widespread issues with grooming gangs here".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.