

View definitions for faithfully


adverb as in loyally

Strongest match

Strong match

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adverb as in always

Strongest match

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The Constitution gives Congress the power to pass laws, collect taxes and spend money, and it gives the president the duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

Career prosecutors are supposed to follow the rule of law without fear or favor, not to "faithfully implement" anyone's political agenda — but apparently those rules have changed.

From Salon

Scenes in the studios at ABC — faithfully re-created on a Munich soundstage — were shot first as long takes, often multiple times, with the actors never certain when one of two cameras might be on them.

“The Last of Us,” premiered in 2023 to immediate acclaim and record audiences, following fairly faithfully to the 2013 game of the same name.

Given you were writing from a distance, how did you capture L.A. so faithfully?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


