exact tribute
verb as in tax
Example Sentences
For example, the Spanish conquistadores wished to exact tribute from Mexico’s defeated native populations, so they were very interested in the Aztec Empire’s tribute lists.
Like the famous troll in the Three Billy Goats gruff—who hid under a bridge he hadn’t built, and then demanded payment from innocent goats who simply wanted to get to the other side—patent trolls exact tribute from innocent users by suing them.
This was St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who, speaking of the ecclesiastical decoration of his time, paid the grotesques of church art the exact tribute they so often merit; probably the greater portion of what he saw has given place to succeeding carvings, though of precisely the same characteristics.
As England is not able to exact tribute or economic advantage, it is inconceivable that any other country, necessarily less experienced in colonial management, would be able to succeed where England had failed, especially in view of the past history of the Spanish, Portuguese, French, and British Colonial Empires.
You can to some extent exact tribute by force; you cannot compel a man to buy your goods by force if he does not want them, and has not got the money to pay for them.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.