adjective as in not pleased
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If Trump decides tomorrow that he's displeased with Johnson's supplication, he can call for the end of Johnson's career, and congressional Republicans will immediately throw the speaker out.
Billie Eilish and a vocal group of concert attendees were displeased after one fan ruined the moment at a recent stop on the singer’s Hit Me Hard and Soft tour.
Despite the dominant win, the Bruins struggled with wasted possessions, leaving Close visibly displeased at times on the sidelines.
And they said Harris was not terribly displeased to see Newsom forced to fight an attempted recall, though she did come to California for a homestretch rally on his behalf.
The speeches displeased Trump, who was in form at a rally where he complained that "Barack Hussein Obama" and Michelle were taking "little shots" at him.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.