noun as in public showing; spectacle
Strongest matches
act, array, demonstration, example, exhibit, parade, presentation
Strong matches
affectation, arrangement, blaze, bravura, dash, exhibition, expo, exposition, exposure, fanfare, flourish, frame-up, frippery, front, layout, manifestation, ostentation, ostentatiousness, pageant, panorama, pedantry, pomp, pretension, pretentiousness, revelation, sample, scheme, shine, showboat, splash, splendor, splurge, spread, unfolding, vanity
Weak matches
verb as in show for public viewing, effect
Strongest matches
advertise, boast, demonstrate, disclose, emblazon, exhibit, expose, feature, flash, flaunt, illustrate, open, perform, present, promote, publish, represent, reveal, unveil
Strong matches
arrange, bare, betray, brandish, evidence, evince, expand, extend, flourish, glaze, grandstand, impart, manifest, model, parade, promulgate, showcase, sport, uncover, unfold, unfurl, unmask, unroll, vamp
Weak matches
bring to view, lay bare, lay out, make clear, make known, open out, set out, show off, spread out, stretch out, trot out
Example Sentences
Galloway, a professor of Hebrew history, and others believe the depictions are supposed to evoke a Biblical scene, such as the exodus from Egypt, but don’t know for certain what is displayed.
“T cells are activated by little pieces of bacterial and viral proteins, called peptides, that get displayed on the surface of infected cells,” Hand explained.
Lumon’s Severed floor is a surreal corporate sideshow whose morale exercises are only a few shades off from the forced displays of joy we’re expected to attend with enthusiasm.
Antonín Kinsky did not have a great game in goal against Arsenal but it was a disappointing display by the whole team.
All around the city, signs of gratitude and love are on display for firefighters, police officers and emergency personnel who have been working tirelessly on the front lines since the wildfires began last week.
When To Use
What are other ways to say display?
Display applies to intentionally conspicuous show: a great display of wealth. Show often indicates an external appearance that may or may not accord with actual facts: a show of modesty. Ostentation is vain, ambitious, pretentious, or offensive display: tasteless and vulgar ostentation. Pomp suggests such a show of dignity and authority as characterizes a ceremony of state: The coronation was carried out with pomp and splendor.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.