

Definition for cry

noun as in a loud sound of unhappiness with tears

noun as in a loud, sudden yell or call

verb as in weep and make sad sounds

verb as in call out loudly and suddenly

verb as in formally announce to others

Strongest matches

announce, declare, proclaim

Strong matches

advertise, promulgate, trumpet

Weak matches

blazon, build up

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Example Sentences

The more that Trump is electrified by the cheers and cries of the faithful, the more he grows bolder, and the more certain he becomes that his vision is destiny.

From Salon

“Nobody wants to be the boy who cried wolf,” he added.

In a highly unusual move, Catherine pulled over her convoy to speak to three-year-old Lily-Rose, who had been crying out "hello princess" as the royal left a knitwear and sock making factory.

From BBC

I felt like I was being punished for crying.”

She used the example of his "drill, baby, drill" rallying cry.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


