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That’s because an infection during pregnancy can cause microcephaly, which is when a baby's head is much smaller than expected, and other congenital malformations like limb contractures, high muscle tone, eye abnormalities, and hearing loss.

From Salon

The deaths reviewed by the trust included babies with congenital abnormalities, and newborns and mothers transferred after birth from other units because they required specialist care.

From BBC

He’d acquired the nickname Crawdaddy thanks to congenital bone deposits that bent his arms inward like those of a crustacean.

Ms Nweke also says the common local belief that children with congenital disorders are spiritually damaged or bewitched leads to stigmatisation.

From BBC

After the heart attack, Ms Harrison found out she had two underlying congenital conditions.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


