noun as in clincher
Strong matches
noun as in finale
noun as in pitcher
Strongest matches
Strong match
Weak matches
noun as in relief pitcher
noun as in swan song
Example Sentences
This week, PGA Tour said it was "closer to a deal" with LIV Golf after calling on Trump to step in.
While we could be inching closer to such a scenario, we haven't reached that point yet — but should still take it seriously, experts caution.
Temperatures across the UK will range between about 5 to 8C, but as a brisk easterly wind develops, a wind chill in the south will make it will feel closer to freezing.
Asian women were "closer to parity with white men," the Pew Research Center noted, earning 93% as much as white men that year.
"We are grateful that his leadership has brought us closer to a final deal, paving the way for reunification of men's professional golf."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.