noun as in situation, condition
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The original letter writer had lost their documents in a house fire, a circumstance now shared by far too many in the Los Angeles area, thanks to the recent wildfires.
The club said it was grateful to all the Portsmouth and Middlesbrough fans inside the stadium "for the compassion, patience and understanding they showed in such distressing circumstances".
Still, even Sell — who didn’t sleep the first two days of the fire — is surprised by what he and those Rose Bowl people have been able to pull off under trying circumstances.
Neither she nor the museum could be reached for comment on the circumstances of her departure.
Ultimately, you can retain the taxable value of your house prior to the fires, which means lower taxes than if you were building a new home or moving somewhere else under normal circumstances.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.