

View definitions for caregiver


noun as in person caring for child

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Fewer children also mean a rising old-age dependency ratio, leaving fewer caregivers for an expanding elderly demographic.

From BBC

Over the summer, Trudeau government officials announced that it would give migrant caregivers a pathway to residency.

Earlier this year he moved in with his nephew, Joe Guthrie, and his wife, Kimberly Guthrie, who became his main caregivers.

“Commonness didn’t cancel wonder,” writes Greenwell, whose fictional version of personal experience proves wondrous in its attention to recovery, from IVs and gurneys, on to caregivers and lovers.

The title of the article is "Understanding experiences, barriers, and facilitators of safe airline travel: A global survey of food allergy patients and caregivers."


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


