adverb as in frankly
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
As Case, 54, candidly points out, for a girl who grew up in abject loneliness, the prospect of failing or faltering in front of an audience was no big deal.
Jones also spoke candidly about England's costly defeat in the second ODI, where she was tasked with shepherding the tail in an attempt to chase only 181 for what would have been a series-levelling win.
He’d reached out to a therapist to help “relieve some of this pressure,” he said, but was afraid to speak candidly with him.
I love to play with mirrors, and try to get a variety of shots however I can, and this was a moment captured candidly in between setups.
Another Democrat, who requested anonymity in order to speak candidly, put it this way: “We lost an election. We didn’t lose the country.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.