

View definitions for bystander


noun as in person who watches

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The report said footage identified 12 members of staff as "passive bystanders" who did not raise concerns.

From BBC

Police say the victims were bystanders during a confrontation between rival gangs.

"As a result, she lost control of the car, injuring bystanders and causing the death of a baby," he said.

From BBC

During the war the UN Human Rights Office said that that there has been "intense shooting by Israeli forces in densely populated areas resulting in apparently unlawful killings, including of unarmed bystanders."

From BBC

This guilt can manifest in various ways, from questioning why they were spared to feeling undeserving of their safety, which further complicates the healing process for both survivors and bystanders alike.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


