adjective as in closemouthed
adjective as in done
adjective as in hushed
adjective as in inobtrusive
Weak matches
- clammed up
- close
- close-mouthed
- could hear a pin drop
- dumb
- hushed
- hushful
- inaudible
- low
- low-pitched
- muffled
- mute
- muted
- noiseless
- not saying boo
- peaceful
- quiescent
- quieted
- reserved
- restrained
- reticent
- secretive
- silent
- soft
- soundless
- speechless
- still
- stilled
- subdued
- taciturn
- tasteful
- tight-lipped
- uncommunicative
- unexpressed
- unobtrusive
- unspeaking
- unuttered
- whist
adjective as in mum
adjective as in noncommittal
adjective as in quiet
adjective as in safe
Weak matches
- cherished
- free from danger
- guarded
- home free
- impervious
- impregnable
- in safety
- inviolable
- invulnerable
- maintained
- out of danger
- out of harm's way
- preserved
- safe and sound
- safeguarded
- sheltered
- shielded
- sitting pretty
- tended
- unassailable
- undamaged
- under lock and key
- under one's wing
- unharmed
- unhurt
- uninjured
- unmolested
- unscathed
- unthreatened
- vindicated
- watched
adjective as in secretive
adjective as in silent
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- bashful
- checked
- clammed up
- close
- closed-up
- closemouthed
- curbed
- dumb
- dummied up
- faint
- hush
- iced
- inarticulate
- incoherent
- inconversable
- indistinct
- inhibited
- laconic
- mousy
- muted
- noiseless
- nonvocal
- not talkative
- reserved
- shy
- silentious
- soundless
- still
- struck dumb
- taciturn
- tongue-tied
- unclear
- uncommunicative
- unheard
- unsociable
- unspeaking
- voiceless
- wordless
- zipped
adjective as in speechless
adjective as in still
adjective as in through
Strongest match
adjective as in tight-lipped
adjective as in uncommunicative
adjective as in under wraps
adverb as in under one's hat
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Her shirt might be undone, in contrast to the severe, buttoned-up tailoring of last week, but her shoulders are sharp and accentuated.
Perhaps a little throbbing techno was too unconventional for the more buttoned-up Academy members?
The buttoned-up, pantsuit-wearing former oncologist is not a repeat of the eager “Goldbergs” matriarch, but the character maintains the actor’s knack for playing beleaguered exhaustion for comedic effect.
Griffin mines the polarity between her envelope-pushing persona and the buttoned-up glamour of A-List celebrity with aplomb to reveal that even the biggest stars are as absurd as the rest of us.
It was then, she said, that this buttoned-up, emotion-averse follower of traditional gender roles “entered the 1970s.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.