but once
adverb as in once
Strong match
Example Sentences
“Chaparral is extraordinarily species-rich. It provides many ecosystem services like carbon storage, reduction of soil erosion, water quality. But once it’s gone, it’s really hard to get back.”
But once we got into the filming, Ray and Lisa — the thing is, they didn’t need to know because their characters didn’t know.
But once he moved in and was collared, he didn’t leave.
But once again, Watson was trying to use these facts to his advantage—while barely refuting the real claims of wrongdoing before him.
How better to understand the pratfalls of the Biden era than this: Not only was its aged leadership not up for the fight, but once defeated, their last, best idea is to do Trump’s dirty work for him, to show that there is agreement among Democrats and Republicans.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.