noun as in physique
noun as in corpse
noun as in human being
noun as in bulk; central portion
noun as in crowd
Example Sentences
Georgia is aware that, unless used carefully, there is the risk of unwanted pregnancy but says "it's a risk I'm willing to take to let my body be how it should be".
Packer was interviewed by detectives a month after the sex worker's body was found in remote woods in South Lanarkshire on 8 May 2005 - five weeks after she was last seen in Glasgow city centre.
Her half-naked, severely injured, body was later discovered near a podium by a colleague.
Your hands are chiral body parts, because when placed over one another, they line up perfectly yet are shaped reflectively.
Prior to the 11th Century, the Cholas had been one among the many squabbling powers that dotted the Kaveri floodplain, the great body of silt that flows through India's present-day state of Tamil Nadu.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.