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In 2020, he conducted a press tour to try to undermine Sanders, denouncing the Vermont senator and his supporters for “making pledges that will never, ever be realized in people’s lives.”

From Slate

This promise can be realized only if America continues to view the tools of knowledge production as legally inseparable from the knowledge itself.

Here are four such approaches, which cannot be realized overnight but provide a crucial framework of possibility.

From Salon

The system-level analysis and planning suggested by this study, Howland says, "changes how we think about where we site renewable power plants and how we design those renewable plants, so that they maximally serve the energy grid. It has to go beyond just driving down the cost of energy of individual wind or solar farms. And these new insights can only be realized if we continue collaborating across traditional research boundaries, by integrating expertise in fluid dynamics, atmospheric science, and energy engineering."

Following Carter’s repeated admonishments to “get it done,” the plaintiffs’ experts, Steve Soboroff and Randy Johnson, the developers of Playa Vista, had teamed with the global architecture firm Gensler to draw up plans they said could be realized by spring.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


