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be deprived

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The judge said that states stood to lose out on federal funding and that residents within the states could be deprived of their rights.

From Salon

They would be deprived of a combined $1.4 billion in pay annually.

“I can’t really imagine looking at what’s happened to him over the past several years and judging him so harshly that he would be deprived,” Jaffe said.

At those meetings, the company representatives read from a Spanish-language script stating that the union could have obtained workers’ signatures without their knowledge, that they would be deprived of the opportunity for a secret vote on unionization and encouraging them to sign a declaration revoking their authorization cards.

Either Angelenos will be deprived, or Las Vegans will be.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


