noun as in financial institution
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in ground bounding waters
noun as in row or tier of objects
verb as in collect money or advantage
Example Sentences
Harkins' scams included pretending to book romantic holidays, asking for money claiming his bank account was temporarily frozen or telling women he was investing their savings for them.
Like progressive voters who are urged cycle after cycle to contribute, to sign up for door-knocking and phone banks to get out the vote, progressive fans have surely done their part.
To make payments, the student took out a loan with her bank, which required proof that the payment was for tuition needs.
Every Thursday "regular as clockwork" a Land Rover and a crew of three soldiers would make the trip to the bank in nearby Penicuik.
Many banks already have policies allowing up to three additional months of payment forbearance.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.