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at another time

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"People were motivated to clear and return the cups or take them home to wash and bring back at another time," she said.

From BBC

But today, we can consider how a near-miss asteroid and a possible ring around Earth affected life in the distant past because we know that space debris had a deep impact on life at another time.

From Slate

He could only shake his head at the state of this broken world and flick his tail once for yes, twice for no, and three times for it is difficult to tell, check again at another time.”

“We’ll make up for this very quickly at another time,” Mr. Trump said on a call he made into the rally that was broadcast over the speakers.

Comer said in a statement that the subpoena required Hunter Biden to appear for a deposition on Dec. 13, but added that he should also have a chance to testify publicly at another time.

From Reuters


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


