
View definitions for aspire to

aspire to

verb as in pursue

verb as in seek

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Beyen added: "Full transparency - I don't really want to see clothes on someone like me. I want to see it on somebody I aspire to look like."

From BBC

Maybe even something to aspire to.

From Salon

They are ruthless, but England are ranked second in the world and they should aspire to be knocking them off the top spot - or at least running them close and giving them a few bloody noses.

From BBC

Meik Wiking, author of the book The Art of Danish Living, has long regarded his home country as a shining example of what other countries should aspire to mimic with their workplace policies.

From BBC

But it’s worth knowing what the Republicans aspire to achieve, and assessing their intentions.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


