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"We must keep the pressure on, to ensure transparency and accountability are embedded throughout this process, with every recommendation fully adopted, and victims and survivors at its centre," she said.

From BBC

There was the occasion later that year in the World Cup when they came back to their adopted French base to defeat Portugal.

From BBC

The group said it might support a “block captain” model adopted following the Santa Rosa fire of 2017, in which neighborhood leaders took charge of much of the recovery effort.

She also resurfaced briefly in 2020, claiming she had been “adopted” by Melbourne’s Ethiopian community.

So, we meet him in like ’61, ’62 and then ’63, ’64 and then, of course, ’65, when he’s adopted this very mod look, having been to England.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


