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noun as in effect

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What price female solidarity and empowerment, after all, if the weapon of actualization is an abusive system, one that invariably draws Santosh into its clubby, scornful, vigilante mindset?

“In so many ways, it felt like the actualization of a lot of these more private hungers and more private desires for sound and experience and collectivity,” she said.

“My work touches on the nuances of family, self-love, self-preservation, actualization and metamorphosis.”

“This is the actualization of something we’ve talked about for a long time,” Moore said at his first official news conference since his election.

My brain wants to make sense of all that, though, so it keeps trying to find order and actualization.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


