

View definitions for makeshift


adjective as in temporary

noun as in temporary help

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“And that is what’s happened. But they still needed books. So I took some boxes to a few makeshift schools.”

After several journeys into town, to the hospital, he was eventually taken to a makeshift morgue where he identified his son's body.

From BBC

Investigators began excavating the lot and found Lockhart’s head and body buried together in a makeshift grave.

People snow skiing down Bourbon Street in New Orleans, garbage can lids and plastic baby pools used as makeshift sleds, snowmen on the beach; it was something out of this world.

From Salon

Facilities provided include makeshift hospitals, sanitation systems and transportation networks.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


