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Vijay Das

Vijay Das is a Washington-based writer and policy advocate. His writing has appeared in The Guardian, CNN, USA Today, Salon and many other outlets. Follow him @vijdas

August 2018

  • cash bail

    Buying your way out of jail is wrong. It's time to end America's bail system

    Vijay Das and Naila Awan
    A system of ‘justice’ simply cannot operate with legitimacy when the dollars in a person’s pocket dictate whether they are kept behind bars or not

July 2017

  • College students walking on campus

    How the Trump administration is undermining students of color

    Mark Huelsman and Vijay Das
    Black students are far more likely to take on debt for a degree than white students. Now, Trump is making it even harder to pay those debts off

October 2012

  • Supreme Court

    Affirmative action back before the supreme court

    Vijay Das

    Vijay Das: As the justices deliberate Fisher v University of Texas, I hope they hear that affirmative action is working for a fairer America