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Theresa Villiers

Theresa Villiers is the Conservative MP for Chipping Barnet

March 2017

  • Police examine the vehicle that crashed into the railings of the Houses of Parliament.

    We MPs will not be intimidated by this. The business of democracy will go on

    Theresa Villiers
    For those of us who work in parliament, yesterday was a shocking day. We owe the police a huge gratitude for their bravery

June 2016

  • Leave supporters cheer EU referendum results.

    ‘Democracy was the reason I had to back Leave campaign’

    Theresa Villiers
    We need to make sure the people who make our laws are the ones we elect – and the ones we can kick out

May 2009

  • Cif green
    Count on Tories to stop the runways

    Theresa Villiers
  • On the wrong side of the third runway

    Theresa Villiers

February 2009

  • Restoring our railways

    Theresa Villiers

    Theresa Villiers: Passengers are paying more and more to travel in appallingly cramped trains. The Conservatives think people deserve better

August 2008

  • For once, good news for Heathrow

    Theresa Villiers

    Theresa Villiers: Today's Competition Commission report will hasten the long overdue break-up of BAA and quickly benefit passengers