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Charlie is in her 30s and lives in the north-west of England. She is a contributor to the heat or eat diaries, a series of dispatches from people on the frontline of Britain's cost of living emergency

September 2023

  • Heat or Eat illustration by Eleanor Bannister

    The heat or eat diaries
    As a parent, I put on a brave face when times are tough. But there was no joy this summer

    It’s been a long six weeks, as I struggled to feed my sons, says single mother Charlie

June 2023

  • DIARY34 FINAL heat or eat

    The heat or eat diaries
    I moved to a well-off area to give my kids a better chance, but now we’re deep in debt

    Soaring bills have blown my budget and I worry we’re on the verge of disaster unless the cost of living crisis is sorted out, says single mum Charlie

February 2023

  • Heat or Eat diary illustration

    The heat or eat diaries
    I used to shoulder the money worries – now my kids feel the burden too. I chase them around the house turning off lights

    I’m a single mum and a care worker. Based on how little I earn, I’d be better off working in a supermarket or a bar, says Charlie