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Flora Carr

Flora Carr is an English student at the University of Exeter, where she is features editor of the student newspaper. She won the ELLE Talent Contest 2014. You can follow her on Twitter here

May 2017

  • First-time voters Romello, 22, and Niall, 19.

    'We want a better future': young first-time voters reveal who's firing them up

    It’s said that young people could swing the general election – if only more of them voted. First-timers tell us who, if anyone, they intend to support

April 2017

  • A doughnut from the series Wardrobe Snacks by Photographer Kelsey McClellan and prop stylist Michelle Maguire.

    Dressed to ingest: foodie fashion – in pictures

  • Shyrica Wesley

    ‘It goes into your psyche’: photographing gunshot survivors in the US

April 2016

  • “Very distressed calls from students can be emotionally taxing”

    Blogging students
    My secret life as a student Nightline volunteer

    Being a faceless voice for 12 hours at a time can be hard and thankless work. But making people feel safe is the most rewarding job of all

May 2015

  • Exeter student colouring in

    Blogging students
    Angry about the general election? Try colouring in, say students

    The election result has made many students at my university more politically engaged – so I invited them to express themselves through art

April 2015

  • packets of contraceptive pills

    Blogging students
    On the pill? That's not enough to make sex safe

    Being on the pill is making many young women at my university lax about their sexual health

October 2014

  • Young people internet

    Blogging students
    My week without the internet

    From studying to socialising, it's almost impossible for students to unplug for long periods of time

August 2014

  • Tray of drinks

    Guardian Students
    My drink was spiked. The next day the questions began…

    The focus wasn't on my would-be attacker, but on me and my conduct