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Adam Afriyie

November 2021

  • Adam Afriyie at a Remembrance Sunday service in Windsor, Berkshire, last year.

    Adam Afriyie: rising Tory star’s business past comes under scrutiny

    Once reputed to be worth £100m, the ‘Tory Obama’ is facing bankruptcy proceedings over unpaid taxes

December 2016

  • George Michael at the Concert of Hope at London’s Wembley Arena in 1993 to mark World Aids day

    George Michael obituary

    Wham! singer who went on to a solo career and became Britain’s biggest pop star

November 2013

  • Adam Afriyie

    MPs reject early EU referendum


    MPs to debate EU referendum bill

  • James Wharton's EU referendum bill is being debated in the Commons.

    Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    MPs debate the EU referendum bill: Politics live blog

  • Adam Afriyie

    Back early referendum on EU or risk losing election, says Tory MP

  • Chloe Smith and John Randall

    Cabinet Office minister and deputy chief whip resign from government

  • Adam Afriyie calls for early vote eu membership

    Rebel Tory plot for early EU referendum backfires

  • Tom Watson

    David Cameron under new pressure to hold EU referendum before election

  • Adam Afriyie:

    Adam Afriyie pushes for vote on EU referendum before the election

September 2013

  • Nick Clegg claimed £152,553.82 for 2012-13, mostly for costs of running of his office.

    MPs' expenses rise to almost £100m

    Bill for 2012-13 approaches previous record high claimed before 2009 scandal, due to bigger staff budgets, says watchdog

February 2013

  • Simon Hoggart

    Simon Hoggart's sketch
    Once Chris Huhne has paid his debt to society, he'll be off to make money

    Simon Hoggart
    Eric Pickles' food frotteurism, Seema Malhotra's shot in the foot and wind farms in Cumbria: Simon Hoggart answers your queries
  • Andrew Rawnsley

    The Tory malcontents possess a destructive intensity all their own

    Andrew Rawnsley

    Andrew Rawnsley: As daggers flash behind him, David Cameron is paying the price for not having sufficiently reformed his party

    • Conservative party: losing the plot

    • I worked for Adam Afriyie's Adfero – it was the worst kind of churnalism

      Lanre Bakare
    • Simon Hoggart's week
      Simon Hoggart's week: a stalking horse from the same stable

January 2013

  • Adam Afriyie

    Adam Afriyie profile: before any plot, there was always a word farm

  • Adam Afriyie, Windsor Tory MP

    Adam Afriyie, super-rich backbencher, startles MPs with 'PM-in-waiting' bid

  • As seen by Catherine Bennett

    Mrs Cameron's diary
    Is Adam Afriyie after Dave's job?

    As seen by Catherine Bennett
  • Adam Afriyie

    When Adam Afriyie is being mooted as a PM, the Tories have a problem

    Andrew Gimson
About 28 results for Adam Afriyie