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The Spin.

A variety of items appear in The Spin's mailbox on a daily basis. Angry letters. Threatening letters. Usually from the same person and in that order. But, number one on the daily received list without fail is the humble CV. And some of them are very humble indeed. Some are incomprehensible, in fact. "Sir, I am 8 years experienced person in music directing and music creating, recording,music arrenging. i want to join your tv chanel," began one "Curriculum Vitai" from a hopeful would-be suitor. After five very, very, very long pages that listed music production credits and music-related skills and technical abilities, guess what was listed under other interests? "Listening various types of music only". Being a print publishing house, we snapped him up.

And talking of music brings The Spin seamlessly to the doorstep of his next jibe. The new 'Built Around You' commercial showing on YouTube from Dubai Properties has had its soundtrack removed because " the audio track has not been authorized by the copyright holders." Oops. Perhaps we should have hooked up Dubai Properties with Mr 8 years?

At Al Hamra mall in Ras Al Khaimah, it's never too early for Christmas. Here we go...

Everyone is partial to puzzles.Apart from Sodoku. Stupid numbers and need for an IQ. So, with this in mind, The Spin presents its latest spot the difference competition. It's been a while, but the devilishly difficult task requires you to work feverishly and see if you can differentiate the work opposite for three separate campaigns done by three separate agencies. No? Neither could we.

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Publication:Campaign Middle East
Geographic Code:7UNIT
Date:Oct 25, 2010
Previous Article:The Work - New Campaigns UK.
Next Article:Appointments.

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