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Potash mine plan 'open recommendation' is likely.

Byline: Kelley Price Business Reporter

NATIONAL Park planners considering a major potash mine scheme say their report is likely to contain an "open recommendation" for their members. North York Moors National Park Authority (NYMNPA) members will help decide the fate of York Potash's massive project, which includes a Teesside processing plant and plans for around 3,000 jobs, next month.

But despite indicating they will neither recommend the plans for rejection or approval, authority chiefs have also voiced concerns about overdevelopment of the national park.

Redcar and Cleveland has already given approval for the project, but NYMNPA - the statutory planning authority for the North York Moors National Park - still has to give its approval as part of a "straddling application", if the project is to go ahead. NYMNPA is also considering three other "current and imminent" planning applications for gas drilling in and around the national park.

Chris France, NYMNPA director of planning, said: "Planning policy is that major development should only take place in national parks under exceptional circumstances.

"If one, two, three, four schemes go ahead it stops being exceptional and becomes the norm.

"This national park is getting more than its fair share of development pressure and we need to take notice of that.

"If every scheme like this is approved, it will stop being a tranquil, special place where people come to get away from modern life."

He added the authority's report on the York Potash scheme - which runs to more than 200 pages, is still being written - and planning recommendations could change. He said: "It will set out the impacts of the development and give a steer as to the planning balance that officers are putting on this. It's likely there will be an open recommendation, but that might not be the case once the report is written.

"It's unusual to give an open recommendation, but not unheard of."

Chris Fraser, managing director and CEO of York Potash parent company Sirius, said: "We are very pleased to be heading towards a decision by the members and have confidence in the strength of our planning case, the huge levels of support for the application and the many wide ranging economic benefits that the project will deliver to the local area and to the country at large."

York Potash's plans include the mine, south of Whitby, and a mineral transport system leading to a materials handling facility at Wilton.

Harbour facilities on Teesside are also due to be examined by the Planning Inspectorate, while Scarborough council is also considering plans for a construction village for the mine, near Whitby.

The Marine Management organisation has already granted permission for York Potash to mine the potash, called polyhalite, under the seabed. The NYMNPA report will be publicly available via the authority's website ahead of the meeting on June 30 and will also be published on York Potash's website.


Chris Fraser, managing director and CEO of Sirius Minerals, the |parent company of York Potash


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Title Annotation:Business
Publication:Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)
Date:May 15, 2015
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