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Related to yojan: Yug, Johann Sebastian Bach, Yojana


(Units) Indian an ancient Indian unit of distance varying between about four and ten miles depending upon the locality
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Prakritik Kheti Khushal Kissan covers all programmes and activities viz., promotion of organic farming under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Pramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojan (PKVY) etc.
Talking about Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojan, the Prime Minister said, "Many of you left India years ago.
Ryan Agoncillo received more than an ample encouragement from his daughter Johanna 'Yojan' Louis as he tried to learn playing an instrument.
The organising committee of the 9th Artistic Gymnastics Challenge Cup is chaired by the al-Hitmi and includes Abeer al-Boanain the QGF Assistant Secretary as a Tournament Director, Mohammad al-Marakhi, Deputy Tournament Director and Head of Public Relations Committee, Abdulrahman al-Qahtani, Head of Finance and Media Committee, Anis Saoud, Head of Judges Committee, Aysha al-Naimi, Head of Protocol Committee , Abdulrahman al-Muftah, Head of Spectators Committee and Dr Yojan Bokova, Head of Medical Committee.
- Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojan gets Rs.1,700 crore
Skill Development under Mahila Coir Yojan to women entrepreneur through National Coir Training and Design Centre.
The State introduced Ladli Laxmi Yojna to make every girls in the State a Lakhpati at 21 years of age; Kanyadan Yojana is an effort to get girls married off; Janani Surakhsa Yojana (JSY) is aimed at maternity benefits; bicycles for high school girls; and Gaon Ki Beti Yojan (GBY) with scholarship for bright girl students.
Cordoba, Argentina" de Julieta Maria Capdevielle, doutora pela Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, Investigadora Assistente do Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnica de la Nacion (CONICET) e Professora Adjunta da Licenciatura de Geografia da Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina e "Marco analitico del sistema de Autobuses de Transito Rapido-BRT" de Madisson Yojan Carmona Rojas, Mestre em Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades pela Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa, Mexico e Profesor da Licenciatura em Ciencias Sociales da Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (UPN) e da Universidad de Cundinamarca (UDEC), Colombia.