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also xo·lo·itz·cuint·le (shō′lō-ĭts-kwĭnt′lē, -ēts-)n. pl. xo·lo·itz·cuint·lis also xo·lo·itz·cuint·les
Any of several varieties of small to medium-sized dog of a breed developed by the Aztecs, having erect ears and a long tail. The hairless varieties have a dark-colored almost hairless body, and the "coated" varieties have a short, flat coat. Also called Mexican hairless.
[Mexican Spanish xoloitzcuintle, from Nahuatl xōlōitzcuintli , dog of the god Xolotl, monstrous dog : xōlōtl, monstrous birth or creature, servant, pet, the dog-headed Aztec god Xolotl; see axolotl + itzcuintli , dog.]
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