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also xo·lo·itz·cuint·le  (shō′lō-ĭts-kwĭnt′lē, -ēts-)
n. pl. xo·lo·itz·cuint·lis also xo·lo·itz·cuint·les
Any of several varieties of small to medium-sized dog of a breed developed by the Aztecs, having erect ears and a long tail. The hairless varieties have a dark-colored almost hairless body, and the "coated" varieties have a short, flat coat. Also called Mexican hairless.

[Mexican Spanish xoloitzcuintle, from Nahuatl xōlōitzcuintli , dog of the god Xolotl, monstrous dog : xōlōtl, monstrous birth or creature, servant, pet, the dog-headed Aztec god Xolotl; see axolotl + itzcuintli , dog.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Select the right brush or comb that fits his type of coat--shorthaired, longhaired or nearly hairless like the Chinese Crested Dog or Mexican Hairless Dog (Xoloitzcuintli).
Name: | Santiago Age: 10 months Owner: Craig Wilkinson & Chloe Shaw Lives: Newburn This is Santiago, our Xoloitzcuintli. As well as being almost hairless, Santi has very few teeth, and therefore he's unable to keep his tongue in his mouth for very long.
The producers skipped over the Xoloitzcuintli in the broadcast of the dog show.
Previously, genetic analysis had shown that the Xoloitzcuintli, or Mexican hairless dog, long thought to be of ancient origin, and possibly derived from New World wolves, was in fact derived from dogs originating in the Old World (Vila, Maldonado, & Wayne, 1999).
Estos animales antiguos, que forman parte de una familia que se extiende desde los xoloitzcuintli en Mexico hasta los pila en Argentina, hacen mas que jugar con un palo y ladrar a los intrusos.
The only native variety that today stands apart is the hairless dog, in Mexico called the xoloitzcuintli. The breed is thus often called the Mexican hairless, even though in pre-Columbian times it was common all the way south to Peru.