white list

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white list

1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a list of countries considered to pose an insignificant threat to human rights, from which applications for political asylum are presumed to be unfounded
2. (Computer Science) computing
a. a list of websites considered to have inoffensive and acceptable content
b. a list of e-mail addresses from which a computer will accept mail
to put on a white list
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The CITC included several key bodies on white lists, from which users cannot unsubscribe like government bodies, major hospitals, universities, and schools.
The major development in this release is support for supplying multiple white lists for single OCR operation.
These black, grey and white lists rank flags in terms of the results of inspections carried out by port states.
White lists ancient worldwide atrocities and argues that the biggest and grisliest body counts do not always take place at war but also while entertaining high society; battling it out as a gladiator, being sacrificed to the Gods by the Aztecs, or as a slave being shipped from Africa to America in the 1800s.
They can allow users to maintain their own personal "white list" of legitimate e-mail addresses, maintain a personal "blacklist" of blocked e-mail addresses or access community white lists or blacklists of known SPAMmer e-mail addresses.
The eSafe SSL solution features: decryption and encryption of all inbound and outbound SSL traffic; all certificates are inspected and allowed or denied at the gateway level based on security policies; automatic revocation checking with CRL and OCSP support; easy management of digital certificates; Root and Client CA store; auto-add and categorize Root- and Sub-CA; exception handling based on URL and certificate fingerprint; flexible black and white lists; support fpr unlimited, multiple accounts with role-based, multi-admin administration; incident management capabilities; as well as reporting.
At the other end of the "signature" spectrum are white lists. White lists define what is normal for the system being defended, which is simple in principle, and incredibly difficult in practice.
Automatic white lists can be configured to accept e-mail from all recipients of outgoing messages sent by the user, reducing false-positive results and increasing user satisfaction.
The secure mail relay includes support for global white listing, the ability to import, export and sort white lists and aliases, enhanced SSL connectivity and access to quarantined messages, and the availability of multi-lingual quarantine alerts and Quarantine Mailbox graphical user interface.
BumperCar is unique among Web browsers because it uses a series of editable "white lists" of approved children's websites.