water vole

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water vole

(Animals) a large amphibious vole, Arvicola terrestris, of Eurasian river banks: family Cricetidae. Also called: water rat
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.water vole - common large Eurasian volewater vole - common large Eurasian vole    
field mouse, vole - any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows
Arvicola, genus Arvicola - in some classifications considered synonymous with Microtus
2.water vole - of western North Americawater vole - of western North America    
field mouse, vole - any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows
genus Microtus, Microtus - voles of the northern hemisphere
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References in periodicals archive ?
"Particularly worrying is that the amended scheme will result in the loss of 1,345 metres of water vole habitat which is home to an important population.
Particularly worrying is that the amended scheme will result in the loss of 1345 metres of water vole habitat which is home to an important population.
The intensification of agriculture has led to a severe loss of habitat, pollution has made waterways untenable, while the spread of the American mink has had a dramatic effect on water vole numbers.
Volunteers in Paisley are being sought to take part in an annual water vole survey.
Volunteers are needed for a new project organised by regeneration body Menter Mon to protect Anglesey's endangered water vole from the rapacious American mink.
Restoring Ratty - the water vole was Ratty in the classic Wind in the Willows - is a five-year partnership project between Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Forestry Commission and Tyne Rivers Trust and has been supported by a grant of PS421,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Water vole numbers have plummeted across the country in the past few decades in the face of loss of suitable habitat and because they are preyed on by invasive American mink, which escaped or were set free from fur farms.
A Trossachs water vole reintroduction programme has seen the endangered animals return to former haunts and thrive.
The water vole, immortalised as Ratty in classic children's story The Wind in the Willows, is making a comeback in Wales after becoming the most endangered mammal species in the UK.
A Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs spokeswoman said: "The Government is concerned about the decline of the iconic water vole."
Judges John Craven, Deborah Meaden and Simon King named Dean Mason's hungry water vole, for October, as overall winner.