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(French vɛrlɑ̃)
(Languages) a variety of French slang in which the syllables are inverted, such as meuf for femme, and also incorporating Arabic words and phrases
[C20: from inverting the syllables of the French word l'envers meaning the other way round]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The various and competing functions described for queer argots are strikingly similar to the various uses of play languages (like Verlan, or Pig Latin) described by Joel Sherzer:
Meme si c'est du javanais ou du francien,Il ne s'agit pas d'utiliser l'argot, le verlan, tel parler local ou tel idiolecte dans l'apprentissage du savoir.
Guichet, Roundabouts and Road Safety: State of the Art in France, Intersections without Traffic Signals, Springer Verlan, Germany, 1991.
Verlan Lewis is a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Political Science at Stanford University whose research focuses on American political institutions, thought, and development.
Verlan, "Sequential P systems with regular control," in Membrane Computing: 13th International Conference, CMC2012, Budapest, Hungary, August28-31,2012, Revised Selected Papers, vol.
Coursing through it all is an acute, existential sadness: even on the subject of luxury threads, the word "cashmere" becomes "cache-misere," or "hidden misery." One distinctly French flavor is their liberal in their use of verlan, a sort of French pig Latin that flips a word's syllables ("femme" becomes "meuf',' and so on).
She was the daughter of the late Verlan and Anna (Chandler) Geiser.Ms.
L'origine de ce mot pourrait etre du verlan et sigpifierait <<chez nous>>, facon de suggerer qu'il s'agit d'un parler local a forte charge identitaire.
La demande exprimee par l'enseignante s'est vue completee par celle moins explicite des eleves au cours de la troisieme lecon, mais tout autant adressee a la chercheuse qui propose de filmer le cours: << vous etes la c'est pour nous aussi [...] un film, le truc de "ouf' [fou, en verlan (6)] on va l'mater apres >>.
Franco-Maghrebi and French rappers in general also incorporate verlan into their lyrics in part to make their listeners laugh.