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Adj.1.utilised - put to useutilised - put to use        
used - employed in accomplishing something; "the principle of surprise is the most used and misused of all the principles of war"- H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker
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This utilisation would go up to Rs130/140bn by the end of June, he said and added that the road network had an allocation of Rs56.6bn against which they had utilised Rs27.8bn.
He added that the road networks had been allocated Rs56.6 billion against which they have utilised Rs27.8 billion.
He noted that the district had utilised all funds allocated to it in the previous year worth P2 million to fund 19 projects.
Mr Waseem also pointed out that the social welfare department has utilised only 12 percent funds, special education department zero, Mines and Mineral 7 percent, Labour department 18 percent, Livestock 18 percent.
According to a Privatisation Commission source Rs 225.655 billion had been utilised for debt retirement from 2002 to 2008.