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(ŭn-wûr′thē)adj. un·wor·thi·er, un·wor·thi·est
a. Insufficient in worth; undeserving: a bad plan unworthy of our consideration.
b. Lacking value or merit; worthless.
2. Not suiting or befitting: "The acquaintances she had already formed were unworthy of her" (Jane Austen).
3. Vile; despicable.
un·wor′thi·ly adv.
un·wor′thi·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Noun | 1. | ![]() baseness, contemptibility, despicability, despicableness, sordidness - unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values bad, badness - that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency; "take the bad with the good" worthiness - the quality or state of having merit or value |
2. | unworthiness - the quality of being not particularly suitable or befitting; "he retracted nothing that he had said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person"; "his praise released from her loud protestations of her unworthiness" unsuitability, unsuitableness, ineptness - the quality of having the wrong properties for a specific purpose inappositeness, inaptness - inappropriateness; "greater inaptness of expression would be hard to imagine" infelicity - inappropriate and unpleasing manner or style (especially manner or style of expression) |
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(anˈwəːði) adjective1. shameful or disgraceful. That was an unworthy act/thought.indigno
2. not deserving. Such a remark is unworthy of notice; He's unworthy to have the same name as his father.indigno
3. less good than should be expected from (eg a person). Such bad behaviour is unworthy of him.indigno
unˈworthily adverbunˈworthiness nounindignidad, falta de dignidad
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