

(Linguistics) consisting of one letter
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Second, just ten uniliteral phonograms make up almost exactly half or 50% of all the hieroglyphs, namely b, j, t, p, r, w, m, s, k, and/; just 32 hieroglyphs, 75%; and 115, 90%.
The uniliteral declaration of ceasing fire by the government of South Sudan and with the urge of mediators does not seem to be holding for the moment.
And here ends my unfulfilled uniliteral lipogram dream.
But this system falls far short of system of key-letters (as uniliteral roots), ignoring such additional roots as p-c 'disperse,' p-c- 'explode,' p-h 'mouth,'p-n-h 'to face, turn to,' p-n-m 'inside,' p-z-r 'scatter,' p-g-' 'hit, injure,' and others beginning with p not followed by r.
One fascinating example is a large heterodox analysis of Hebrew, occasional pushing beyond biliteral roots towards uniliteral roots, by Fabre-d,Olivet, (22) which much impressed a young Benjamin Whorf, (23) who in turn influenced modern general linguistics in powerful (although also heterodox) ways.
UNILITERAL A Using one language B Involving one letter or script C Having one lobe who am I?