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Adj.1.two-year-old - two years of age
young, immature - (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; "young people"
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(tuː) noun
1. the number or figure 2. dos
2. the age of 2. dos años de edad
1. 2 in number. dos
2. aged 2. de dos años
having two (of something). a two-door car. de dos...
ˌtwo-ˈfaced adjective
decitful. a two-faced person. de dos caras, hipócrita
ˌtwo-ˈhanded adjective, adverb
(to be used, played etc) with two hands. a two-handed stroke. de dos manos
twosome noun
two people; a couple. They usually travel in a twosome.pareja
ˌtwo-ˈway adjective
able to act, operate, be used etc in two ways or directions. two-way traffic; a two-way radio. de dos direcciones; (calle) de doble sentido
ˈtwo-year-old noun
a person or animal that is two years old. persona/animal de dos años de edad
(of a person, animal or thing) that is two years old. de dos años
in two
(broken) in two pieces. The magazine was torn in two.en dos
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
"Aye, aye, we're coming," Seth answered from within, and presently appeared stooping under the doorway, being taller than usual by the black head of a sturdy two-year-old nephew, who had caused some delay by demanding to be carried on uncle's shoulder.
She screamed with fear, and the two-year-old child that was clinging to her released its grip and rolled at Red-Eye's feet.
A two-year-old child was not injured in the incident.
POLICE shot a man who had held a knife to the throat of a two-year-old girl in a house siege.
A family was today preparing to come face to face with the man who shot dead their two-year-old son.
My two-year-old granddaughter drinks out of a cup but thankfully her mother has the sense to realise that a bottle of juice is required outdoors.
LANDI KOTAL -- Measles outbreak in a remote village of Landi Kotal claimed life of a two-year-old girl here on Saturday.
Her two-year-old brother is also ill with identical symptoms, their father said.
KAMALIA -- The two-year-old girl who had sustained critical burns in a van fire incident succumbed to her burns in hospital on Monday, taking the death toll from the incident to three.
The Monster's Ball star, who has a two-year-old daughter, Nahla, with former partner Gabriel Aubry, was named the sexiest mother in the spotlight by voters at, reports the Daily Star.