turret gun

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Related to turret gun: Gatling gun

turret gun

nTurmgeschütz nt
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Remco even made a B-52 Ball Turret Gun that had a glass canopy and twin belt-fed machine guns.
Other weapons on the LCH include a 20mm Turret gun and 70 mm Rockets, the firing trials of which were completed last year.
You'll fly a plane, rappel and zip line into battle, and command a turret gun.
This resulted in two of the bomber's fuel tanks being punctured, both its radio and rear turret gun port being disabled, the starboard inner engine being critically damaged and the internal intercom lines cut.
It's a nice touch that with a bullet from the turret gun hitting him in the side, he manufactured his own death.
The Rudra will come armed with a M6-21, 20 MM turret gun, 70 mm rockets, besides anti-tank guided missile as well as air to air missiles.
It surfaced and started firing with its turret gun.
Although it's a great infantry squad automatic weapon, it was a poor turret gun. It didn't have the range or power a turret weapon needs.
He remembers the B-17 bomber and the ball turret gun that he manned at the age of 18 during bombing missions over Europe in 1944.
Adding intercom systems to tactical vehicles with turret gun mounts will improve Soldiers' ability to communicate when under fire.