

producing a tsunami or tsunamis
[C20: from tsunami + -genic]
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Pakistan's coastal areas particularly the Makran Subduction Zone (MSZ) had major tsunami threats that under went a destructive tsunamigenic earthquake in 1945 which caused over 4,000 casualties.
As introduced above, the larger downstream zone (Site 1) of the Rogun dam construction site was studied to assess the probability of occurrence of a massive failure event similar to the one observed downstream from Baipaza HPP in 2002; the smaller upstream Site 2 that can be seen on some maps (Figures 6 and 7) was investigated due to the possibility of a potentially tsunamigenic impact of an existing mass movement on the lake.
When tsunamigenic earthquakes have epicentres close to the shore, the time between a seismic event and the issue of a warning may be limited to just a few minutes.
(2000) Shallow sub duction zone earthquakes and their tsunamigenic potential.
The model also generated acoustic data; an interesting revelation of the simulation was that tsunamigenic surface-breaking ruptures, like the 2011 earthquake, produce higher amplitude ocean acoustic waves than those that do not.
We are sure that these blocks were not moved by hurricanes that affected the coastlines in the past years, therefore, we expect that they are of tsunamigenic origin," said Prof.