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Related to trichobezoar: phytobezoar


a hairball.
See also: Hair
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.trichobezoar - a compact mass of hair that forms in the alimentary canal (especially in the stomach of animals as a result of licking fur)trichobezoar - a compact mass of hair that forms in the alimentary canal (especially in the stomach of animals as a result of licking fur)
tangle - a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven; "they carved their way through the tangle of vines"
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n. tricobezoar, concreción o bezoar formado de pelo que se aloja en el intestino o el estómago.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Here, we present a case of gastric trichobezoar treated by endoscopic fragmentation in combination with Coca-Cola administration.
A hairball, also called a trichobezoar, is a clump of hair wadded up in a cat's gastrointestinal tract.
Gastric outlet syndrome associated with a recurrent trichobezoar: report of a case.
Trichotillomania (a compulsive desire to pull out one's own hair) was first described by Hallopeau in 1889, while the first case of trichobezoar was described by Baudamant in 1779.
Acetylpromazine sedation using wedge gag and trichobezoar was removed through oral cavity with a hand in the pharynx and an assistant massaging the foreign body towards the oro-pharynx from outside, where as in our study under Xylazine sedation using mouth gags with same procedure the foreign bodies are retrieved through oral cavity in case of partial obstruction.
The differential diagnosis of enterolithiasis includes calcified abscess, possibly due to Crohn's disease, possibly ingested foreign body, phytobezoar, trichobezoar, lactobezoar or pharmacobezoar, calcified neoplasm, undescendant testicle, teratoma, and abscess due to Crohn's disease [1].
The true types are uncommon and formed by the precipitation of alimentary chime while the false types result from the agglutination of indigestible foreign materials like seeds, bone, vegetable material (phytobezoar), hair (trichobezoar), and so forth [2].
Rapunzel syndrome is an extremely rare variant of Trichobezoar. Trichobezoar commonly occurs in patients with psychiatric disturbances as trichophagia (morbid habit of chewing the hair) and Trichotillomania (habit of hair pulling).
The provisional diagnosis was cyst with calcified walls following history, clinical examination and ultrasound abdomen until exploratory laparotomy was done that revealed it to be a huge trichobezoar in the stomach.
The classification of bezoars depends on their composition: trichobezoar includes hair; phytobezoar, vegetable matter such as skin, seeds, and fiber; lactobezoar, undigested milk curd; and lithobezoar, mud and stones.