tree sparrow

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Related to tree sparrow: American Tree Sparrow

tree sparrow

1. A North American sparrow (Spizella arborea) having a reddish-brown crown and a dark spot on the breast.
2. A Eurasian sparrow (Passer montanus) that is similar to but smaller than the house sparrow.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

tree sparrow

1. (Animals) a small European weaverbird, Passer montanus, similar to the house sparrow but having a brown head
2. (Animals) a small North American finch, Spizella arborea, having a reddish-brown head, grey underparts, and brown striped back and wings
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tree sparrow - Eurasian sparrow smaller than the house sparrowtree sparrow - Eurasian sparrow smaller than the house sparrow
sparrow, true sparrow - any of several small dull-colored singing birds feeding on seeds or insects
genus Passer, Passer - type genus of the Passeridae
2.tree sparrow - finch common in winter in the northern U.S.tree sparrow - finch common in winter in the northern U.S.
New World sparrow - sparrow-like North American finches
genus Spizella, Spizella - chipping sparrow; field sparrow; tree sparrow
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Species with critical conservation needs such as, tree sparrow, avocet, lapwing and more have successfully colonised the reserve and we look forward to their future breeding successes.
The tree sparrow sticks to farmland where it can feed on seeds, weeds and cereals and all the insects that live out there.
If you are conscious and aware of your surroundings, you may sight a bird or two aside from the usual 'mayang-bahay' or Eurasian Tree Sparrow, even in the city.
My target that day was Eurasian tree sparrow, another nonnative species that tweaked my curiosity.
Calling the house sparrow "the most despised bird in human history" because of the damage feeding flocks can inflict on crops, Thornhill details some of man's unsuccessful attempts to eradicate it and its cousin, the Eurasian tree sparrow. As with her great auk work, Thornhill stresses needed conservation, pointing to the house sparrow's positive contributions in keeping insects and weeds in check.
Run across the UK by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT), the count is an opportunity to tell the wider world about wild birds on the farm including barn owls, bullfinch, lapwing, grey partridge, tree sparrow and yellowhammer.
At the end of the training participants should be able to identify at least 20 bird species which could be seen on farmland over winter, including chaffinch, tree sparrow, corn bunting, linnet, lapwing, skylark and yellowhammer.
Studies that have investigated this aspect of over-winter ecology have either been based on very small sample sizes (n = 1 American tree sparrow; Brooks 1985) or provide evidence of very low over-winter site fidelity (white-crowned sparrow: 6.34%; Gimpel et al.
One tracheal sample from an apparently healthy tree sparrow was positive for the novel subtype H7N9 virus, whereas the cloacal swab samples from this bird were negative.
An RSPB project, Operation Tree Sparrow, was set up to give a helping hand to the farmland bird species whose UK population has dropped by more than 90% over the past four decades despite small increases over the past few years.
An RSPB project, Operation Tree Sparrow, was set up to give a helping hand to the farmland bird species, whose UK population has dropped by more than 90% over the past four decades despite small increases over the past few years.
Forty tree sparrow nest-boxes with guards were constructed to study the structure of this model community.