transition layer

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transition layer

The airspace between the transition altitude and the transition level.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Underneath this bone-dry top layer lies a thin transition layer, then a hydrated layer, where water molecules likely stick to bits of soil and rock, called regolith.
The remaining 25 percent is the transition layer necessary to maintain good base plate bonding.
The remaining 25 percent of overlay is the transition layer necessary to maintain good bonding to the base plate.
In the present case there is an effective transition layer at the rear interface of the WM slab.
ATTREX is studying moisture and chemical composition from altitudes of 55,000 feet to 65,000 feet in the tropical tropopause, which is the transition layer between the troposphere, or the lowest part of the atmosphere, and the stratosphere, which extends up to 11 miles above Earth's surface.
Similar effects can occur in fluids in which the velocity difference between the stream and the rest of the fluid creates a slick transition layer between them.
Moen Incorporated has received a patent for an article having on at least a portion of its surface, a coating of a thin transition layer consisting of a metal bearing material and having a composition that varies from an exterior first composition comprising a metal to a second composition beneath the exterior first composition, which transition layer is superimposed on a metal bearing color layer and is substantially transparent and colorless to visible light, in which the first composition is a noble metal chosen from the group consisting of gold, silver, platinum, platinum group metals, or an alloy thereof.

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