toughen up

Also found in: Idioms.

w>toughen up

vt sep personhart or zäh machen, stählen (geh); musclestrainieren; sportsman alsofit machen; regulationsverschärfen
vihart or zäh werden; (attitude)sich verhärten; to toughen up on somethinghärter gegen etw vorgehen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
John Pirie, of Blarnavaid, near Drymen, said; "I welcome any moves to toughen up the law.
Except for Tabuena, who will be competing abroad, the other three PGTA winners are all primed up for the $100,000 event, using the holiday break to fine-tune and toughen up for the resumption of the circuit.
ARSENE WENGER declared that his team must toughen up if they are to make an impact in the title race next season.
Melbourne, Nov 15 ( ANI ): Australian bowler Mitchell Johnson has reportedly been inspired by an Australian war hero in his quest to toughen up mentally after his career met a roadblock due to a serious toe injury and poor form.
Comment by AbbieG Tougher measures to ban drinking, begging and sex in public in Moseley Toughen up? I don't think the powers that be, who make up the laws of our land know what 'toughen up' means!
THE government is today being urged to toughen up the law to ensure that litter louts who throw rubbish out of cars can be fined.
THE ICC may toughen up their disciplinary procedures in the wake of Scotland's stormy I-Cup Final clash with Afghanistan.
Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday defended moves to toughen up Britain's anti-terrorism regime.
Consequently, it has had to toughen up, improve its discipline and the professionalism of its soldiers.